Saturday, 14 April 2012

Resources for Digital Humanities and Art.

List of resources for those interested in Arts and Digital Humanities

Alexander, J. E., and M. A. Tate,  Web Wisdom,  , New Jersey, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 1999.

Andaloussi, J. E., and E. Maler,  Developing SGML DTDs: From Text to Model to Markup,  : Prentice Hall, 1995.

Anderson, J., A. Dunning, and M.(eds.) Fraser,  DRH 2001 and 2002,  , London, Office for Humanities Communication, 2003.

Anderson, L., Z. Au, G. Bodard, J. Bodel, H. Cayless, C. Crowther, T. Elliott, J. Flanders, I. Marchesi, E. Mylonas, et al.,  EpiDoc: Guidelines for Structured Markup of Epigraphic Texts in TEI,  , 2007.

Araya, A. A.,  "The Hidden Side of Visualization",  Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, vol. 7, issue 2, 2003.

Archer, D.,  " What's in a Word-list? Investigating Word Frequency and Keyword Extraction",  Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities, vol. 3, pp. 200, 2009.

Bailey, H., J. Hewison, and M. Turner,  "Choreographic Morphologies: Digital Visualization and Spatio-Temporal Structure in Dance and the Implications for Performance and Documentation",  EVA London 2008, London, pp. 9-18, 2008.

Bailey, C. J. W.,  Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography,  , 2006.

Bain, J. D., and C. McNaught,  "How Academics Use Technology in Teaching and Learning: Understanding the Relationship between Beliefs and Practice",  Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 14, 2006.

Baker, M., M. Grove, M. Fulford, and et al,  "VERA: Virtual Environment for Research in Archaeology",  4th International Conference on e-Social Science, Manchester, 18/06/2008.

Balnaves, E.,  "Systematic Approaches to Long Term Digital Collection Management ",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 20, issue 4: Oxford Journals, pp. 399-413, 11/2005.

Barnard, M.,  Approaches to Understanding Visual Culture,  , Basingstoke and New York, Palgrave, 2001.

Barrett, E.(ed.),  Sociomedia: Multimedia, Hypermedia, and the Social Construction of Knowledge,  , Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1994.

Barwell, G.,  "Original, Authentic, Copy: Conceptual Issues in Digital Texts ",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 20, issue 4: Oxford Journals, pp. 415-424, 11/2005.

Bentkovska-Kafel, A., T. Cashen, and H. Gardiner,  "Futures Past: Thirty Years of Arts Computing",  Computers and the History of Art, Yearbook 2005, vol. 2, Bristol, Intellect Books, 2007.

Bentkowska-Kafel, A., T. Cashen, and H.(eds.) Gardiner,  Digital Art History. A Subject in Transition,  , vol. 1, London, Intellect, 2005.

Besser, H.,  Introduction to Imaging,  , Revised Edition, Santa Monica, CA, The Getty Art History Information Program, 1995.

Blackwell, C., and G. Crane,  "Cyberinfrastructure, the Scaife Digital Library and Classics in Digital Age",  Digital Humanities Quarterly, vol. 3, issue 1, 2009.

Bodard, G.,  "EpiDoc: Epigraphic Documents in XML for Publication and Interchange",  Latin on Stone: Epigraphic Research and Electronic Archives: Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield), pp. xvii + 174, 2010.

Bodard, G., L. Isaksen, S. Mahony, P. Monella, and A. Smith,  "Though much is taken, much abides: Recovering antiquity through innovative digital methodologies",  Digital Classicist/Digital Medievalist Special Issue, 2008.

Booth, W. C., G. G. Colomb, and J. M. Williams,  The Craft of Research,  , Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1995.

Bradley, P.,  How to use Web 2.0 in your library,  , London, Facet Publishing, 2007.

van den Broek, T.,  Choosing an XML Editor,  , 2004.

Brown, J.,  "History and the Web, From the Illustrated Newspaper to Cyberspace: Visual Technologies and Interaction in the Nineteenth and Twenty-First Centuries",  Rethinking History, vol. 8, issue 2, 2004.

Brunner, T. F.,  "Classics and the Computer: The History of a Relationship",  Accessing Antiquity: The Computerization of Classical Studies, Tucson, University of Arizona Press, 1993.

Burnard, L., and S. Bauman,  TEI P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange,  , 2007.

Burnard, L., K. O?Brien O?Keeffe, and J.(eds.) Unsworth,  Electronic Textual Editing,  , New York, MLA, pp. 419, 2006.

Burnard, L., M. Deegan, and H.(eds.) Short,  The Digital Demotic: A Selection of Papers from DRH97,  , London, Office for Humanities Communication, 1998.

Burton, O. V.(ed.),  Computing in the Social Sciences and Humanities,  : University of Illinois Press; Har/Cdr edition, pp. 208 pages, 2002.

Busa, R.,  "The annals of humanities computing: The index Thomisticus",  Language Resources and Evaluation, vol. 14, issue 2, pp. 83-90, 1980.

Bynum, T. W., and (eds.J. H.) Moor,  Cyberphilosophy,  , Oxford, Blackwell, 2003.

Bynum, T. W.,  "Computer Ethics: Its Birth and Its Future",  Ethics and Information Technology, vol. 3, issue 109-112, 2001.

Cashen, T., A. Bentkovska-Kafel, and H. Gardiner,  "Digital Art History",  Computers and the History of Art, Yearbook 2004, First, vol. 1, Bristol, Intellect Books, pp. 123, 2005.

Chartier, R.,  Forms and Meanings: Texts, Performances, and Audiences from Codex to Computer,  , Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995.

Chatzichristodoulou, M., R. Zerihan, and J. Jefferies,  "Interfaces of Performance",  Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities, vol. 5, pp. 232, 2009.

Coartney, J. S., and S. L. Wiesner,  "Performance as digital text: Capturing signals and secret messages in a media-rich experience",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 24, issue 2: Oxford Journals, pp. 153-160, 06/2009.

Cohen, D., and R. Rosenzweig,  Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, And Presenting the Past on the Web,  : University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 316 , 2005.

Cohen, D. J.,  "History and the Second Decade of the Web",  Rethinking History, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 293-301, 2004.

Cohen, D. J.,  "The Future of Preserving the Past",  CRM: The Journal of Heritage Stewardship, vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 6?19, 2005.

Cole, C., and P. Scifleet,  "In the Philosophy Room: Australian Realism and Digital Content Development ",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 21, issue 2: Oxford Journals, pp. 159-167, 06/2006.

Condron, F., M. Fraser, and S. Sutherland,  Digital Resources for the Humanities,  , Morgantown, West Virginia Universoty Press, 2001.

Corré, A. D.,  Icon Programming for Humanists,  , 2nd Edition, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, Goal-Directed Press, 1348 Ridgeview Dr., Moscow ID, 83843, USA, pp. xii + 124, 2010.

Cox, N., and K. Dannehl,  "The rewards of digitisation: a corpus-based approach to writing history",  Digital Resources for the Humanities 2005, Lancaster University, 04/09/2005.

Crane, G.,  The Perseus Project and Beyond: How Building a Digital Library Challenges the Humanities and Technology,  , 1998.

Crawford, T., and L. Gibson,  "Modern Methods for Musicology: Prospects, Proposals, and Realities",  Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities, vol. 4, pp. 206, 2009.

Darin, S.,  XML for Music,  , 2003.

Davis, R., H. Shrobe, and P. Szolovits,  "What is a Knowledge Representation?",  AI Magazine, vol. 14, issue 1, 1993.

Deegan, M.(ed.),  Literary and Linguistic Computing (LLC),  , 1986.

Deegan, M., J. Anderson, and H.(eds.) Short,  DRH 98,  , London, Centre for Computing in the Humanities, 2000.

Deegan, M., and K.(eds.) Sutherland,  "Text Editing, Print and the Digital World",  Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities, 2009.

Deegan, M.(ed.),  "Literary & Linguistic Computing",  Literary & Linguistic Computing, vol. 19, issue 3: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Deegan, M., and H.(eds.) Short,  DRH 99,  , London, Office for Humanities Communication, 2000.

Deegan, M., and K. Sutherland,  Text Editing, Print, and the Digital World,  , vol. 2, pp. 224, 2009.

Deegan, M., M. Fraser, and N.(eds.) Williamson,  DRH 2000,  , London, Office for Humanities Communication, 2001.

Deegan, Marilyn, H. L., and H. Short,  Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities,  : Ashgate, 2008.

Dixon, S.,  "Virtual Theatrics: When Computers Step into the Limelight",  Theater: The Reflective Template, Second Edition, Dubuque, IA, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 2001.

Dixon, S., and B. Smith,  "Digital Performance: A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation",  Leonardo, London, MIT Press, pp. 809, 2007.

Dreyfus, H.,  On the Internet,  , London, Routledge, 2001.

Druckrey, T.(ed.),  "Ars Electronica: Facing the Future. A Survey of Two Decades",  Electronic Culture: History, Theory, and Practice, Cambridge, MA, The MIT Press, 1999.

Dunn, S., and T. Blanke,  "Next Steps for e-Science, the Textual Humanities and VREs",  D-Lib Magazine, vol. 14, issue 12, 01/2008.

Edmond, J.,  "The Role of the Professional Intermediary in Expanding the Humanities Computing Base",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 20, issue 3: Oxford Journals, pp. 367-380, 09/2005.

Eggert, P.,  "Text-encoding, Theories of the Text, and the ?Work-Site?",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 20, issue 4: Oxford Journals, pp. 425-435, 11/2005.

Eiteljorg, H.,  "Computing in the Archaeological Curriculum",  CSA Newsletter, vol. XIV, issue 2, 2001.

Finneran, R.(ed.J.),  The Literary Text in the Digital Age,  , 1996.

Flanders, J.,  "Data and Wisdom: Electronic Editing and the Quantification of Knowledge",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 24, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 53-62, 04/2009.

Floridi, L.(ed.),  The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information,  , Oxford, Blackwell, 2003.

Fraistat, N., and S. E. Jones,  "Editing Environments: The Architecture of Electronic Texts",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 24, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 9-18, 04/2009.

Franchi, S., and G.(eds.) Güzeldere,  "Constructions of the Mind: Artificial Intelligence and the Humanities",  Stanford Humanities Review, vol. 4, issue 2, 1996.

García, A. M., and J. C. Martín,  "Function Words in Authorship Attribution Studies",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 22, issue 1: Oxford University Press, pp. 49-66, 04/2007.

Garfield, G. M., and S. McDonough,  Dig that site: exploring archaeology, history, and civilization on the Internet,  , Englewood, Colorado, Libraries Unlimited, 1997.

Gere, C.,  Digital Culture,  , London, Reaktion Books, pp. 222, 2002.

Gill, T., A. Gilliland-Swetland, and M. Baca,  Introduction to Metadata,  : Getty Research Institute, 1998.

Glazier, L. P.,  Digital Poetics: The Making of E-Poetics,  , Tuscaloosa, AL, University of Alabama Press, 2002.

Goodchild, M. F.,  "Citizens as Voluntary Sensors: Spatial Data Infrastructures in the World of Web 2.0",  Journal of Spatial data Infrastructures Research, vol. 2, pp. 8, 2007.

Gordon, G.,  The Internet: a philosophical inquiry,  , London, Routledge, 1999.

Greengrass, M., and L. Hughes,  "The Virtual Representation of the Past",  Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities, no. 1, London, pp. 276, 2008.

Greengrass, M., and L. Hughes,  " The Virtual Representation of the Past",  Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities, vol. 1, pp. 276, 2008.

Greenstein, D. I.,  A Historian's Guide to Computing,  , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994.

Grindley, N.,  Digital Tools For Musicology,  , 2007.

Grindley, N.,  Digital Tools and Electronic Texts,  , 2007.

Grindley, N.,  Digital Tools for Library and Information Studies,  , 2007.

Grindley, N.,  What's in the Art Historian's Tool Kit?,  , 2006.

Grindley, N.,  Digital Tools and Methods for Historical Research,  , 2007.

Grindley, N.,  Digital Tools for Performance,  , 2007.

Grindley, N.,  Digital Tools for Linguistics,  , 2007.

Grindley, N.,  Digital Tools for Archaeology,  , 2007.

Grindley, N.,  Digital Tools for Museums and Cultural Heritage,  , 2007.

Harasim, L., S. R. Hiltz, L. Teles, and M. Turoff,  Learning Networks: A Field Guide to Teaching and Learning Online,  , Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1995.

Hardie, A.(ed.),  Digital Resources for the Humanities 2005,  , 2005.

Haus, G.(ed.),  Music Processing,  , Madison, WI, A-R Editions, 1992.

Hockey, S., and N.(eds.) Ide,  Research in Humanities Computing 3. Papers from the 1991 ACH-ALLC Conference,  , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994.

Hockey, S.,  "The rendering of humanities information in a digital context: Current trends and future developments",  Aslib Proceedings, vol. 58, issue 1/2, pp. 89-101, 2006.

Hockey, S., and N.(eds.) Ide,  Research in Humanities Computing 4: Selected papers for the ALLC/ACH Conference,  , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1992.

Hockey, S.,  Electronic Texts in the Humanities - Principles and Practice,  , Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 228 pages; 9 figures, 2000.

Hockey, S., and N.(eds.) Ide,  Research in Humanities Computing 2. Papers from the 1990 ACH-ALLC Conference,  , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1994.

Hughes, L. M.,  "Digitizing Collections",  Digital Futures Series, First, London, Facet Publishing, pp. 327, 2004.

James, F. W.,  "Painting the Digital River:how an artist learned to love the computer",  n.a., 1, vol. n.a., no. n.a., (publisher) Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, N.J., U.S.A., pp. 320, 2006.

Jenkins, H.,  Game Design as Narrative Architecture,  , 1999.

Jessop, M.,  "The Application of a Geographical Information System to the Creation of a Cultural Heritage Digital Resource ",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 20, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 71-90, 03/2005.

Jessop, M.,  "The Inhibition of Geographical Information in Digital Humanities Scholarship",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 23, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 39-50, 04/2008.

Jessop, M.,  "Teaching, Learning and Research in Final Year Humanities Computing Student Projects ",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 20, issue 3: Oxford Journals, pp. 295-311, 09/2005.

Jessop, M.,  "Digital visualization as a scholarly activity",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 23, issue 3: Oxford Journals, pp. 281-293, 09/2008.

Joyce, M.,  Of Two Minds: Hypertext, Pedagogy and Poetics,  , Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1995.

Juola, P.,  "Killer Applications in Digital Humanities",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 23, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 73-83, 04/2008.

Kiernan, K., J. W. Jaromczyk, A. Dekhtyar, D. Carr Porter, K. Hawley, S. Bodapati, and I. E. Iacob,  "The ARCHway Project: Architecture for Research in Computing for Humanities through Research, Teaching, and Learning ",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 20, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 69-88, 11/2005.

Kirschenbaum, M. G.,  "Image-Based Humanities Computing",  Computers and the Humanities, vol. 36, issue 1, pp. 3-6, 2002.

Kirschenbaum, M. G.,  "The Job Market for Humanities Computing",  Computers and the Humanities, vol. 36, issue 1, pp. 1-2, 2002.

Lancashire, I.(ed.),  Research in Humanities Computing 1. Papers from the 1989 ACH-ALLC Conference,  , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991.

Landow, G. P., and P. Delany,  The Digital Word: Text-Based Computing in the Humanities,  , Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1993.

Lavagnino, J.,  "Access",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 24, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 63-76, 04/2009.

Lavagnino, J.,  "Reading, Scholarship, and Hypertext Editions",  TEXT: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship, vol. 8, pp. 109-124, 1995.

Lessard, G., and M. Levison,  ACH-ALLC '97. The 1997 Joint International Conference of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing. Conference Abstracts. ,  , Ontario, Canada, Queen's University, 1997.

Lindebjerg, A., E. S. Ore, and Ø.(eds.) Reigem,  ALLC-ACH '96 Conference Abstracts,  , Bergen, Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities, 1996.

Mahoney, M. S.,  "In Our Own Image: Creating the Computer",  The Changing Image of the Sciences, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.

Mahoney, A.,  How to Mark Up a Text,  , 2005.

Maitland, E., and C. Hall,  "Cryogenics and Creativity: The Frankenstein Factor in Cultural Preservation",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 21, issue 3: Oxford Journals, pp. 327-339, 09/2006.

Manovich, L.,  The Language of New Media,  , Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2001.

Marsden, A., A. Mackenzie, A. Lindsay, H. Nock, J. Coleman, and G. Kochanski,  "Tools for Searching, Annotation and Analysis of Speech, Music, Film and Video?A Survey",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 22, issue 4: Oxford Journals, pp. 469-488, 11/2007.

McCarty, W.,  "Handmade, Computer-Assisted, and Electronic Concordances of Chaucer",  CCH Working Papers - Computer-Based Chaucer Studies, vol. 3, Toronto, Centre for Computing in the Humanities, pp. 49-65, 1993.

McCarty, W.,  Humanities Computing,  , Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2005.

McCarty, W.,  What is humanities computing? Towards a Definition of the Field,  , 1998.

McCarty, W.,  "What's going on?",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 23, issue 3: Oxford Journals, pp. 253-261, 09/2008.

McCarty, W.,  "Tree, Turf, Centre, Archipelago?or Wild Acre? Metaphors and Stories for Humanities Computing",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 21, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 1-13, 04/2006.

McGann, J.,  The Rationale of HyperText,  , 1995.

McGann, J.,  "The Complete Writings and Pictures of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: A Hypermedia Research Archive",  TEXT: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship, 1995.

McGann, J.,  Dialogue and Interpretation at the Interface of Man and Machine. Reflections on Textuality and a Proposal for an Experiment in Machine Reading,  , 2002.

McGann, J.,  Radiant Textuality: Literature after the World Wide Web,  , New York and London, Palgrave/St Martins, 2001.

Nerbonne, J.,  "Computational Contributions to the Humanities ",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 20, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 25-40, 03/2005.

Ore, C. - E., and Ø. Eide,  "TEI and cultural heritage ontologies: Exchange of information?",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 24, issue 2: Oxford Journals, pp. 161-172, 06/2009.

O?Donnell, D. P.,  "Back to the future: what digital editors can learn from print editorial practice",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 24, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 113-125, 04/2009.

Pearce, C.,  Sims, Battlebots, Cellular Automata, God and Go. A Conversation with Will Wright,  , 2002.

Perissinotto, G.(ed.),  Research in Humanities Computing 5: Selected Papers from the 1995 ACH-ALLC Conference,  , Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1996.

Pritchard, D.,  "Working Papers, Open Access, and Cyber-infrastructure in Classical Studies",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 23, issue 2: Oxford Journals, pp. 149-162, 06/2008.

Robinson, P. M.,  The Digitization of Primary Textual Sources,  , Oxford, Office for Humanities Communication, 1993.

Robinson, P.,  "What text really is not, and why editors have to learn to swim",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 24, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 41-52, 04/2009.

Rosenzweig, R.,  "Can History be Open Source? Wikipedia and the Future of the Past",  The Journal of American History, vol. 93, issue 1, pp. 117-46, 2006.

Rosenzweig, R.,  "So, What's Next for Clio?: CD-ROM and Historians",  The Journal of American History, vol. 81, issue 4, pp. 1621-1640, 1995.

Ross, S., M. Donnelly, and M. Dobreva,  "DigiCult: New Technologies for the Cultural and Scientific Heritage Sector",  European Commission: Digital Culture Forum, pp. 194, February 2003.

Rush, M.,  New Media in Late 20th-century Art,  , New York, Thames and Hudson, 1999.

Scharl, A., and K.(eds.) Tochtermann,  "The Geospatial Web: How Geobrowsers, Social Software and the Web 2.0 Are Shaping the Network Society",  Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, London, Springer-Verlag , 2007.

Schreibman, S., J. O?Brien Roper, and G. Gueguen,  "Cross-collection Searching: A Pandora's Box or the Holy Grail?",  Literary and Linguistic Computing, vol. 23, issue 1: Oxford Journals, pp. 13-25, 04/2008.

Schreibman, S.,  "Computer-mediated Texts and Textuality: Theory and Practice",  A New Computer-Assisted Literary Criticism?, 2002.

Schreibman, S., R. Siemens, and J.(eds.) Unsworth,  "A Companion to Digital Humanities",  Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, Oxford, Blackwell, pp. 640, 2004.

Schreibmann, S., and R.(ed.) Siemens,  A Companion to Digital Literary Studies,  , Oxford, 2008.

Schroeder, F.,  Performing Technology: User Content and the New Digital Media?: Insights from the Two Thousand + NINE symposium,  , no. 1, Cambridge, 2009.

Schrum, S.(ed.A.),  Theater in Cyberspace: Issues of Teaching, Acting, and Directing,  , New York, Peter Lang, 1999.

Shillingsburg, P. L.,  From Gutenberg to Google: Electronic Representations of Literary Texts,  , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006.

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Shneiderman, B.,  Leonardo's Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies,  , Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 2002.

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Townsend, S., C. Chappell, and O. Struijvé,  Digitising History: A Guide to Creating Digital Resources from Historical Documents ,  , 1999.

Tufte, E.,  The Visual Display of Quantitative Information,  , Cheshire CT, Graphics Press, 2001.

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